Easy Troubleshooting Tips for Air Diaphragm Pumps – Part 3: Erratic Operation

Easy Troubleshooting Tips for Air Diaphragm Pumps – Part 3: Erratic Operation

We have arrived at part 3 of our series of Easy Troubleshooting Tips for Air Diaphragm Pumps – Part, agora tratando dos problemas de operação errática. Algumas vezes, mesmo sem causa aparente, as bombas podem apresentar alguns problemas de funcionamento, como:

A bomba emite um som agudo: pode significar que os anéis da válvula piloto precisam ser substituídos;

A bomba cicla uma vez, mas não volta: nesse caso, a bomba pode apresentar pinos de atuador dobrados, gaxetas de válvula de ar que foram instaladas corretamente, ou outro problema.

the pump may have bent actuator pins must be analyzed so that the cause can be identified and corrected. When this correction does not happen, the pump may end up suffering greater damage and extensive downtime, damaging the progress of activities and the company's productivity.

When problems arise, it is important to check the possibility of obstructed suction, as discussed in the previous article, which can cause the pump to end up running dry and presenting problems, such as diaphragm stress (depending on the type of elastomer used).

For example: if pump use a PTFE diaphragm, and the pump ends up running dry, it can end up bending and forming a bond, to the point of rupture. For this reason, it is very important to avoid running this pump dry for long periods.

How to prevent erratic operation of pneumatic diaphragm pumps?

Before even installing your pneumatic diaphragm pump, it is very important to know and familiarize yourself with its components, this way it becomes easier to recognize and identify possible problems. Also check the size of the air intake line and whether the air pressure is adequate for your application, in addition to keeping the suction line above the bottom of the tank, avoiding the accumulation of debris and possible obstructions.

Preventing erratic running during operation:

Problem: Clogged suction, collectors or discharge lines

Solution: clean the debris and prevent it from returning by installing a filter on the suction side of the pump to prevent larger debris from entering the pump. This approach can also help increase the life of diaphragms by keeping them clean and free of debris.
Problem: lack of or excess air supply

Solution: although pneumatic diaphragm pumps have a pressure limit, ideally they operate at a lower level. As a rule, the ideal pressure point is between 60 and 80 psi, in order to guarantee enough time for it to fill again before the next discharge, increasing its efficiency.

Problem: frozen exhaust

Solution: this type of problem can be solved by installing a dryer before the air intake, or by extending its exhaust. This allows the cold compressed air to expand away from the center section.

These are just some of the erratic operating problems that can be presented by pneumatic diaphragm pumps and their possible solutions. If the problem presented by your equipment is different from one of them, consult the two previous articles that we have made available:

Part 1: Easy Troubleshooting Tips for Air Diaphragm Pumps – Part and Part 2: Easy Troubleshooting Tips for Air Diaphragm Pumps -Part.

Always count on Duplacao, your trusted supplier for pneumatic pumps. Get in touch by phone (48) 3438-8484 or email vendas@duplacao.com.br and talk to our experts.

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