Dosatron metering pumps

As metering pumps Dosatron são desenvolvidas para entregar uma maior segurança e eficiência em operações de todos os portes, podendo ser aplicadas em inúmeros setores industriais. Essas bombas podem ser reguladas sem a necessidade de parada do equipamento e contam com válvulas de segurança para evitar perdas e acidentes na sua operação.

Graças a sua versatilidade, dosadoras dos atron podem ser aplicadas para:

Indústria de celulose e papel;
Food industry;
Tratamento de efluentes;
Bombeamento de fluidos viscosos;
Bombeamento de fluidos em altas temperaturas;
Transporte e processamento de produtos químicos severos;
Bombeamento de corrosivos, tóxicos e inflamáveis;
Two dosing of fluids in boilers;
And much more.

To determine which metering pump ideal for your operation, it is necessary to establish the transport capacity and the necessary counter pressure. With this information in hand, it is possible to choose the ideal dosing pump to deliver productivity and quality within your operation.

The best pump for your operation is the one that completely meets all the needs of your industry, considering the expected productivity and space safety.

Configured as oscillating pumps, the Dosatron metering pumps They are manufactured in a wide variety of materials so that they can meet a huge range of applications. This type of pump is highly recommended for processes where it is necessary to establish variation in volume or flow control of the operation.

Being a positive displacement pump, the dosing pump relies on the impulse of a diaphragm to pump fluids. To make this possible, it has a reducer and motor system to move an eccentric. When this eccentric moves backwards, it also drives the diaphragm to retreat, establishing its cycle.

It is necessary to check the flow delivered by the chosen pump so that your operation can deliver productivity and agility in processes.

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